ODSR 1313 Leadership and Job Attitudes
This course provides students with the knowledge on job attitudes and effective leadership skills that support organizational goals. Students will examine the different constructs of job attitudes that are categorised into five themes including perception, identity, bond, engagement and job satisfaction. Changes in environmental factors such as the nature of work, economics, social and technology also affect leadership and management styles. Therefore, students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts, theories, and practical strategies that shape leaders' ability to influence and shape the attitudes, behaviors, and overall job satisfaction of their team members.
ODSR1213 Organisational Development
This course provides students with the knowledge, skill and experience in the field of organisational development (OD). The OD field is an applied area in Industrial and Organisational Psychology that focuses on the effectiveness of an organisation, which looks into its structural context, processes and standards and manpower. Students will learn how to use the IO psychology knowledge in applying to these matters.
ODSD1114 Applied Research Method
This course deals with two main areas namely research methods and data analysis. Emphasis is on applied research to enable students to conduct research related to their professional specialization. The research methods discussed are observation, survey, experimental and quasi-experimental methods and case studies. The focus would be on the application of these methods for program evaluation, evaluating counselling effectiveness, observation of children and case studies. As for data analysis test, students will be introduced to descriptive and inferential statistics such as t-test, correlations, simple and multiple regression, analysis of variance and non-parametric statistics. Several methods of multivariate analysis will also be discussed.
ODSR1113 Training in Organisation
course discusses aspects of human resource training in the organization. Among
the topics to be discussed are the role of learning in practice and how
organizations identify the need for training through the training needs
analysis. Discussions will also cover strategies to implement training programs
and approaches that can be used to conduct training. Finally, the focus of the
course is to how to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program. The
course will be delivered through lectures, discussions and presentations.